Star DJ Hire

Keep the Dance Floor Packed with These Wedding DJ Tips

A crowded dance floor is an ultimate sign that your wedding guests are having a good time. Aside from selecting the most fantastic DJ or band available, we put together a few pointers from our DJs in Sydney on how to keep your guests on the dance floor all night.

Ensure Your Guest List and Playlist Are in Sync

Guests will come and go from the dance floor, but you can be sure that none of them will want to dance for hours on end to high-energy tunes.

Play a couple of lively songs followed by soothing music to allow guests a chance to catch their breath and perhaps grab a drink. It will guarantee that all your guests spend time on the dance floor, and you can take requests from your loved ones. Mixing in some of your parents’ favourites with your top picks is the best way to keep everyone dancing late into the night. If you want to appeal to a broad audience, mix classical and modern music.

Keep Your Guests Close By

After supper, the dance floor tends to heat up. Instead of a plated option, set up a dessert station near the dancing area or serve tray-passed desserts. This placement prevents guests from withdrawing and returning to the table to sit. The same goes for the bar; having refreshments accessible will encourage people to loosen up and get back on the dance floor right away.

By omitting traditions like tossing the bouquet or cutting the cake during prime dance hours, you can reduce the number of breaks that clear the dance floor during the reception. If all else fails, have your MC invite guests to the dance floor for a group photo, followed by a fun song that encourages everyone to stay and dance.

Make Guests Feel Welcome and Comfortable

High heels are likely to blame if you notice many guests returning to their seats after just a song or two. Consider distributing free flip flops or flats to wedding guests who have spent a lot of time standing in heels throughout the ceremony and cocktail hour, so that weary feet don’t put the party on hold. 

Count on the Professionals

While it’s crucial to tell your DJ or band which songs you want to hear and others you’d prefer to ignore, you should rely on their expertise to keep your guests entertained. They are called professionals for a reason. The least you can do is trust them.

Micromanage the playlist or setlist as little as possible. If you engage in professional entertainment, DJs will read the crowd and keep the dance floor filled with music your guests want to hear.

Prepare your DJ or band by providing them with information on your guests’ ages, your favourite and least favourite songs and musicians, and the overall feel you want on your wedding day. Then hand over the reins to them!

Get Out There and Do It!

If you want to dance the night away with your guests, plan to ensure that music and dancing are given utmost importance. Make sure there’s enough area for dancing and make the dance floor the room’s centre point. This will establish the tone for your guests, who will expect dancing to be a crucial part of the event. Above all, no one can resist a happy bride and husband having a good time, so get out there and dance the night away!

Having a good wedding DJ in Sydney goes a long way towards keeping the dance floor packed all night. If you need one, contact Star DJ Hire right away. We have the experience and know-how to play the best music and wedding songs from all genres correctly. We’re here to make your wedding a huge success!