Star DJ Hire

Intense competition between DJs in Brisbane

When you find yourself in a position where you are searching for a DJ in Brisbane for your perfect event, whether that be at a party or wedding, there are going to be hundreds of DJs out there, all eager for your attention.

When you find yourself in a position where you are searching for a DJ in Brisbane for your perfect event, whether that be at a party or wedding, there are going to be hundreds of DJs out there, all eager for your attention.

If you weren’t already aware, within Australia, DJ services are almost completely unregulated, meaning that just about anyone can claim to be a DJ. In reality, a lot of today’s DJs can be very basic, and might not be what you’re looking for. This is why we strongly believe there is competition, especially between DJs in Brisbane.

There isn’t a huge start-up fee when considering a career path as a DJ, so advertising as one can come relatively easy. This makes it difficult for consumers searching for a DJ to decipher between a well-established professional DJ and a one-hit wonder working from his or her bedroom. Don’t get us wrong, we love that it’s really easy for people to have a crack at this amazing profession. What makes it hard is the difficulty for consumers in finding the right DJ in Brisbane. From the DJ’s point of view, it is a constant battle to prove to the world that with the higher price tag comes with a professional service. As difficult as it might seem, this is necessary to stay above the rest!

Some DJs even consider discounting, or lowering prices, whilst others remain firm. Whilst this price dropping may seem good to you, it’s up to you to determine where you’re getting your money’s worth. You should have a discussion with your potential DJ in Brisbane to understand what makes them better and more expensive than the person working down the road in the local bar. The answer you will get highly depends on the rating of the DJ and the types of gigs they predominantly perform at. However, generally speaking, you get what you pay for when hiring a Brisbane DJ.

Our advice would be to find the differences between the DJ and/or companies you have chosen, and base your final booking decision on what you want at your event, and if they can deliver on your vision? Online ratings should play a big part in helping to make this decision.

This blog is short and sweet, but we hope you’ve taken some value out of it!